Blessed be the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
For his name is great and mighty
By him the earth is silenced
By him princes rule
His justice is fair and timely
And by him the wicked do not prosper eternally
He gives hope and strength
He makes glad the weary
He upholds and nourishes
He supplies the heart for worship
He is enthroned and is steadfast in love
He is perfect and excellent
The Lord in whom there is everlasting grace
None compares to him
None stands before him
He spoils the connivings of the secret place
And takes the boast off the adversary
He stands and decrees and it is.
He is quiet but not aloof
When He speaks his words are true and wholesome
He is patient but intervenes when needed
He allows the best outcome for his own
For him heaven is a best reward, but a measure of heaven’s glory he gives even now- a foretaste
What kind of God is this?
That heals and blesses
His ways are preferable
True solace, true glory
True love, true confession
True desires, true words
By his word lives are preserved
By his word nations are healed
By his word souls are saved
He is richest but warns against its deceitfulness
He is strongest but warns against relying on one’s strength
He gives life but demands it
He makes me his priority and demands same
My God my lover
My God my hope
My God my merciful one
My God my deliverer
My God my able one
My God the source of all I hold dear
But for you what is breath
But for you what is ambition
For wealth by ill means or trickery will diminish
The despised and persecuted, surely with you have a reward
My soul adores you
My soul rejoices in your salvation
I have seen your victories
I have seen your warmth
I have seen your peace in the storm
The insecure set traps but you set them alight
My times are in your hands
Let all know you reign
My Lord my sanctifier
My Lord my righteousness
My Lord my rock
The one who is, was and is to come
Your judgement is pure
Your ways are perfect
Your plan is good
Your wisdom is above others
Your joy has become mine
Your footprint is my tracks
Your grace envelops and çushions
I find no one to take your place
Your word has pointed out directions
Your bidding is my good
I find no lasting joys but yours
My story is your glory
What can I say but glorify you
Thank you holy and righteous one
Thank you the father of my father
Thank you the God of my father
Thank you my God, my father
My father and mother have found solace in you so have I
Those I cherish have seen your love and protection so have I
The King of mercy and glory I worship you
The nations will hear and magnify the Lord with me
For Jehovah God alone is holy and worthy
Praise to your name.
The hope of my parents
My hope, my family’s
My everything
By you I have seen the light of day
I have watched you
I have heard you
I have seen mercy
I have seen grace
I have seen beauty
I have seen thy hand
All glory be thine Lord of heaven and earth
Be exalted
Be glorified
Be magnified
Be lifted up
The one who is God alone
And the mighty one.
The strongest is not the fittest
Nor the one that survives the luckiest
The smartest is not first
Nor the one who hurries the one who arrives
Not my will but yours
Thank you for food
Thank you for water
Thank you for shelter
Thank you for providence
Thank you for support
Thank you for inspiration
Thank you for wisdom
Thank you for impact
Thank you for protection
Thank you for life and family
Thank you for your decree
Thank you for times and seasons
Thanks for your presence
Thanks for revelation
Thank you for the visions and dreams
Thank you for prophecy
Thank you for the gifts of the Spirit
Thank you for the evidence of your Spirit
Thank you for the fruit
Thank you for you
By you all things consist
O God receive thanks my King, and all who hope in you praise you.