“The liberal soul shall be made fat…” Proverbs 11:25a
I just had a much better day to the past couple of months. Not that things are rosier, but one of hope. I consider what I took for granted and learnt a lesson, that gratitude and honouring God transcends what people think. A call to liberality of spirit I think is a discipline of demonstrable love. I wonder if by religiosity a box is ticked rightly without knowing why, though Christ will warn to avoid being seen and conceived as great, followed with the risk of emptiness if not heart felt- yet when free spirited and kind with a purpose the ripples is ace. It also soothes your heart to know someone is better because of your heart. Parents show this, bosses in their employment opportunities, leaders in their considerable policies, protectors in their sacrifice, teachers in their emphasis to patiently support needs. When things are done right thank you is just appropriate, because it can hardly really be paid for. I think a little kindness goes a long way. I also think we must pray about how to show it. Who do I help? How should I help? When should I help?
I consider giving out of a ‘widow’s mite’ as powerful, because it means out of little a face is turned to another’s need and God’s purpose. One more thing if one cannot help, at least don’t ridicule, don’t nail down another’s hope of redemption as a final blow. It seems to me, one can be raised for another, raised for a people, raised for a period or season or generation, raised for a nation. A water that refreshes, a steward that points a way, a harbour of refuge. What there is to resist is a prototype of hate, that suggests to have helped was disastrous. Was it possible whoever modelled ingratitude attempted to change your heart for the next person who should have seen goodness. A deep matrix and manipulation of deflection, I think it is helpful to be good and kind. Use credible institutional referrals that have a proven track record of helps. Assist those you can one on one, and reassure where possible. Pray indoors, speak love, and nurse it in your heart to care, or hope to when enabled by the grace of heaven.
God is good, so are we who rely on Him.
Think of smart, redemptive ways to show love. Teach through rewards what it means to be grateful. Support not for praise but love. Live within your means, and give within your strength. Not in false scheme to accuse anyone of depleting your resource, but a well managed limit. Learn to say no when not able. And learn not to be bitter when one can’t either. It takes incredibly faith to exceed your strength in anything, but I perceive baby steps is what is needed. Is it possible to experience absolute joy in seeing a face saved, elevated, refreshed, encouraged, warmed up, drawn to a smile? It’s not starting again what you’ve always done, because the love of God for goodwill has always been within you. It’s stirring the gift of God, it’s not letting your right hand see the left as Christ will say. It’s being an angel of good news, a father to many, a gift to the nations. You’re the gift your friends, neighbours, family, society has waited for. A joy through your talents and grace. No fret, God is on the throne. Some may say I thought I did something for him, maybe it wasn’t him, or possibly him or her- there is a call to precision of love. Of course, not a game of snobbery and a comedy of errors, and endless circles of not knowing what is good. As scripture reminds us again, as inspired by all these words, which I humbly suggest is consistent with it, do not forget to do good. Remember to start and raise a heart of gratitude, and ride a thankful life. A call to pray and care, for you, yours and theirs? It seems so to me. Consider loving without strings and genuine love. How freeing. Pause and wait, and once you’re strengthened help another, and share not of compulsion but love, rejoice in another’s efforts, show them how to work hard, and don’t stop another doing so. I’m sure there is more God can remind you of and teach you again. But again, how can I with all this commitments, I hear this- God will provide. Amen.
God bless.
Evangelist Israel Okunwaye