”A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.” Proverbs 25:11
“His brothers saw that their father loved Joseph more than all of his brothers; so they hated him and could not [find it within themselves to] speak to him on friendly terms.” Genesis 37:4
More recently a chapter of scripture being studied in a series in bible study meetings I recently listened in revolved on Joseph and his misfortune stemming from jealousy-breathed situation. On deep reflection we could learn to accept another’s blessing and control the fleshy instinct to trivialise or hate on the basis of gifts another has received or worked for. Also learned we can learn to know the ways of men and be more discreet, or even perhaps how to know if you can show a friend or brother your blessing or dream for guidance or interpretation. Consider these scriptures on right speaking. I found it edifying. Proverbs 21:19; Ecclesiastes 5:2; Matthew 5:37, 7:6; John 16:33; Galatians 1:10; Proverbs 6:16-19; Isaiah 5:20.
On reflection this mid-nighty impromptu session is the point- they couldn’t bring themselves to be kind or speak kindly. I humbly suggest it’s possible to lack words; to prefer a long talk and uncomfortable disposition than a good hello. It means not to judge another’s action, tone, characterisation. For some it’s genius to talk differently to a baby, friend, enemy, professional, club group all in separate contexts. The hope is to belong to the right and lucky mix else it’s work keeping up. I think this is fine, but quickly figure where you fit, so you prepare if possible to listen to or talk with as well.
I pray you don’t judge yourself too harshly if you don’t get along, but accept maybe you are not called to everyone. This is why love is finding you, your heart, someone you are peaceable with and who enjoys seeing and being with you. Managing or coping nonetheless is not for everyone. But remember Christ calls us to endure and love all in the world, even though not sharing its’ ideals. The issue which is the crux is to not give what is precious to the non-appreciative. A bit of ducking, diving, praying, skipping, running, yes and no conversations, until Christ saves the day. Rest for soul is real and it’s within you, as the Lord says. Christ in you the hope of glory. Hope this lifted you?
God bless.
Evangelist Israel Okunwaye