This has been a fantastic year of the goodness of God. When I think of how faithful God has been and is, all I can say is thanks. It is preferable to be under His leading, for He is glorified in every nation. I urge you in Christ’s name to reflect on what He has done for you- search and count. The unseen battles and sweatless victories, the joy of knowing Him, His righteous reward(s) and provision, His love and care, for revelations of His grace, His help and promises, the blessing of family, friends and strangers of goodwill, answered prayers and restraints, the presence of His Spirit and supernatural direction, even where privileged to be persecuted Christ is lifted up- the list goes on.

None of us is deserving of anything, only by His mercy. For God is good all the time. This is why you can rely on Him as you step into 2017. The same God, the father of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you who believe. As a true believer of Christ, God goes ahead of you, leading the victory parade, beyond the whims and caprices of Satan and his cohorts. And God loves you. Praise the Lord! God bless.

(1 Corinthians 15:57)
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#ThanksbetoGod #GreatGod #BeGlorified #LordJesus
P. Israel